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Research and Development

Flexibility and adaptability make our R&D a guarantee of innovation and cutting edge in the vegetable oils and fats sector.

The synergies created in the company through know-how, experience, expertise and cutting-edge systems give life to projects, solutions and “new ideas”.

R&D applied at 360 degrees, through:

Customization and development of functional products for each specific request and end use technology.

Commitment and constant research towards our customers!

  • Special greases for every type of use
  • Special fats for infant food
  • Special fats with particular ratios of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, for specific nutritional needs
  • Special fats as substitutes for cow’s butter
  • Special fats as substitutes for “hydrogenated” fats
  • Special greases for the replacement of products of synthetic origin or petroleum chemistry
  • Plant based

Analysis of emerging market needs for the creation of cutting-edge products both in terms of performance, safety and contaminant reduction.

Commitment and constant research towards the future!

  • Special palm free fats
  • Fats with high neutrality (to enhance the other components of a recipe)
  • Reduction of “Trans isomers” of fatty acids
  • Reduction of “saturated” fatty acids
  • Reduction of contaminants
  • Improved chocolate characteristics to avoid blooming and whitening, improve surface shine and reduce post-hardening

Study of new plants that guarantee greater production capacity, greater efficiency in terms of environmental impact and reduction of contaminants.

Commitment and constant research towards sustainability and safety!

  • Energy efficiency and use of renewable energy
  • Reduction of emissions
  • Reduction of water consumption and sustainable use of land
  • Waste reduction through recycling and reuse
  • Improvement of the quality and safety standard of the product
  • Search for reliable partners and suppliers, certified and also committed to reducing environmental impact.
  • Enhancement of BY PRODUCTS to reduce environmental impact and waste.

Search for sustainable supply chains, promoting supply chains traced to origin

Commitment and constant search for responsibility

  • Annual research projects directly in the field
  • Short supply chain projects with “chains of custody”
  • Search for raw materials from high quality origins
  • Search for supply chains from responsible cultivation, non-deforested areas, respecting the territory and workers’ conditions
  • Adherence to ecovadis and sedex systems to evaluate the sustainability of the supply chain

Our laboratory is equipped with the most sophisticated analytical instruments:

  • Gas chromatographs
  • HPLC
  • Spectrophotometers
  • Shukoff
  • BCI
  • NIR
  • Rancimat
  • D.S.C (S.F.I), N.M.R (S.F.C)
  • GC/MS

Innovation and Flexibility in EULIP: from the pilot plant to Large-Scale Production

R&D uses pilot plants to formulate products that meet customer requests and subsequently move on to industrial-scale production.

The pilot plant ensures transfer to an industrial scale for the creation of products and research into new formulations and/or new applications. Flexibility and adaptability make EULIP’s R&D a guarantee of innovation and avant-garde in the world of vegetable oils and fats.